Contact: Oakland Police Officers' Association
Phone: (510) 834-9670
April 25, 2023
Pamela Price’s Crusade Against Police Officers and Advocacy for Murderers Continues by Charging a Veteran Oakland Homicide Investigator.
OAKLAND, CA – The Oakland Police Officers' Association (OPOA) expresses anger over the baseless perjury charges against a seasoned Oakland Police homicide detective. These charges come despite a previous investigation by the District Attorney's Office and the police department, which had cleared the officer of any wrongdoing.
OPOA President Barry Donelan voiced his support for the officer, stating, "We are confident that this officer will be vindicated once a competent court reviews these unfounded charges. This case is not about seeking justice or ensuring public safety; rather, it appears to be an attempt by District Attorney Pamela Price to undermine the credibility of dedicated public servants and facilitate the release of convicted murderers. Such actions will undoubtedly jeopardize the safety of Oakland and Alameda County residents."
The OPOA, along with every Oakland police officer, stands in solidarity with our fellow officer and his family during this challenging and unjust ordeal.
About the Oakland Police Officers’ Association: The Oakland Police Officers’ Association (OPOA) represents all sworn members within the Oakland Police Department. Representing the hardest working Police Officers in America. The OPOA can be found on the Web at
April 25, 2023
Statement from Andrew M. Ganz, Attorney for Oakland Homicide Detective Tran
"The DA treats murderers like heroes, looking for every possible excuse to keep them out of jail. Yet,
real heroes such as Oakland Homicide Detective Tran – who has dedicated and risked his life to try to
keep the city safe – are treated like criminals. He is being prosecuted for having the audacity to
investigate, arrest and bring to justice the killers who terrorize Oakland. These charges are baseless
and should gravely concern every Alameda County resident that desires a truly equitable criminal
justice system.”