On April 15th 2021, the Oakland Police A's Game Detail was proud to press back into service Oakland Police Officer Toft Jessen 5290 (ret).
Officer Jessen, born 1921, was celebrating his 100th birthday by attending yesterday’s Oakland As home game. Officer Jessen served 37 years as a member of #oaklandsfinest and on his 100th birthday he rejoined OPD on the As Home Game Detail.
Officer Jessen 5290 reported to duty at the 1600hrs line up at the Eastmont Substation. At line-up he was recognized for his service by Oakland Police Department Assistant Chief Darren Allison, the entire detail, his family led by his son and large group of Oakland Police retirees (wanting to return to service?), followed by a fly over by Argus. Chief Allision presented Officer Jessen with the official OPD detail for the As Game with his name, Office T. Jessen 5290 on it. The entire detail then escorted Officer Jessen to the game.
Thank you to the As for always being a class act. #RiseAndGrind
Pictures include the entire detail with Officer Jessen, the Argus fly over, and the most senior and most junior member on the detail yesterday.
Happy Birthday 100th Birthday Toft Jessen from every serving and retired member of #oaklandsfinest.